September whizzed by as finally, the first season of the sci-fi thriller, Age of the Living Dead, was released on Amazon Prime in the US and the UK and I was busy preparing press releases and doing interviews. I also had the last couple of shoot days on season two of the show and am now looking forwarding to working on a short film playing a mother who whose daughter returns having gone missing 12 years earlier.

I attended the Film Independent virtual reality event called, The Portal, but didn’t rate the experience. With my small head, I found the headgear didn’t fit well and was heavy and although it was interesting to be fully immersed in each story, the picture quality of the activations wasn’t great. I’m glad that I’ve experienced it but I won’t be queuing up for more any time soon.

Having missed an earlier screening in Los Angeles of the short film, At The End Of The World, which I shot at the end of 2017, I finally had a chance to see it at the Los Angeles Short Film & Script Festival where it won best film. This film has done so well, winning countless awards at various film festivals and the film is to be submitted in the 92nd Academy Awards, Live Action Short Film category.

Sadly, I missed the annual UK Equity Garden Party at the end of September as I came down with flu but I hear that everyone had a grand time, sipping gin & tonics and eating cucumber sandwiches!

My viewing recommendation for the month is the mini series, Unbelievable, on Netflix. Well, that and, of course, Age of the Living Dead on Amazon Prime.