And there you go, having had some great opportunities with little pay off earlier in the year, all the jobs, like buses, come along at once.

At the end of April, I was sent the scripts for 6 episodes of season 2 of, Age of the Living Dead, with a potential, start shoot date of 19 May. I am already holding dates for a feature film shooting in Italy/Romania from 15 May to 6 June plus I’m booked to shoot a proof of concept at the end of May for a sci fi, adventure, feature film.  All this when I have a trip arranged to visit London to catch up with family and friends.  They do say, if you want a job, book a holiday! 

I currently only have shoot dates for the proof of concept and everything else is up in the air so next week, I don’t know if I’ll be in Los Angeles, Italy, Romania or London! That, to some degree, is the fun side of the business but it would be nice to have some confirmation as to if, or when, I will be shooting and in which country!

At the beginning of April, I attended a marketing boot camp in an attempt to discover some “out of the box” ways of getting myself in front of people. This has resulted in my finally starting to put together the Hollywood survival guide I’ve been meaning to write for the past couple of years. I have to decide whether to make it a bullet point handbook or whether to write a longer account of my time in LA but at least, it has finally made me put pen to paper (well, fingers to keyboard).

At the end of April, I went back to work for Incite Visual Media on a medical campaign. It’s always lovely to work with people again and know what you’re walking into in advance. They always run a relaxed shoot and are fun to work for so I enjoyed myself.

And, I finally managed to get some time off and drive out of Los Angeles to see the super bloom. This is a rare occurrence where, after winter rainfall, wild flowers take over areas of arid, beige desert with a mass of colour. It’s a wonder to see apart from the many visitors it attracts who trample over the flowers just to get that Instagram shot!

I’ve seen several exceptional films this month so for gritty, indie drama, look out for, Ms Purple.  For a compelling documentary, try and catch, Foster, and for just a fun night out, Poms, will make you laugh in spite of yourself.