In July, I had a couple of weeks visiting friends and family in the UK. I’d had two callbacks for a Marvel Cinematic Universe feature shooting in the UK which I hoped to work on while I was in London but when I landed, casting had sent an email saying, “The role has now been cast, however, we think Julia is great, and will certainly be keeping her in mind for anything else she is suitable for moving forward.”

When I got back to Los Angeles, the industry seemed to be picking up and I had an audition for a big casting office that hasn’t brought me in before. I didn’t hear anything after I sent in my tape but, out of the blue, this casting office asked me to tape for a larger, recurring role. I taped for them but am unavailable for some of the shoot dates so I fear that has put me out of the running. Always the way. I’ve booked out 2 days to attend a friend’s wedding and, as dedicated as I am to my career, life is too short to miss important celebrations like this but, frustratingly, it’s the usual, book to do anything else in your life, and an opportunity of work will present itself that you then have to turn down.

While I was in the UK, I did manage to get 4 days camping in Wales – the only 4 days that week that it didn’t rain so the weather gods were on my side! We walked a lot and took a drive up to Brechfa Pool Nature Reserve which was breezy with beautiful views. It was good to escape for a few days.

In August, I went to the HollyShorts Film Festival to see a couple of the programmes. The winning film, The Masterpiece (La gran obra), was directed by the Spanish director, Àlex Lora, who I met through a friend (another Spanish director). We were all really pleased for him. The film had already won at Sundance and had qualified for Oscar consideration so this was icing on the cake!

As for this month’s recommendation, My Old Ass, brought out some big laughs when I went to see it. I wonder how many of us would listen if we were confronted by an older, and supposedly wiser, version of ourselves.  The premise made for refreshing and amusing viewing and has an excellent cast – Maisy Stella, Aubrey Plaza, Percy Hynes White.  It’s definitely worth a watch!